Friday, June 11, 2010

Increased Economic Problems in Florida?

There is an economic cancer on the ballot in Florida this fall. It’s known as Amendment 4, or “Hometown Democracy”.

It proposes to change our state constitution by requiring taxpayer-funded votes on every proposed change to every local government’s basic land use plan, rather than have those decisions made by the elected public representatives.

Thus, voters would be forced to decide hundreds of often minor, technical plan revisions on a single ballot. Each revision can be described in only 50 words. Busy voters likely will simply vote “no” across the board rather than study each proposed revision. Essentially, this will halt all growth and development within the State of Florida.

This won’t simply cause additional unemployment in the land use industry. Its effects will raise unemployment across Florida by trickling down to all businesses and industries including education, public safety, and other public sector jobs dependent on high employment in the population. On the private sector side, retail, food and beverage, entertainment, medical/dental, legal, and most other industries likewise will suffer losses. All this results in increased unemployment at a time when Florida is experiencing historic highs in unemployment.

Additionally, state services will shrink as revenues decline in tandem with the rising unemployment. Or, those still here will see their taxes raised significantly to cover the ensuing shortfall.

Don’t be fooled by the name “Hometown Democracy”. Encourage everyone you know to vote “NO” on Amendment 4.

For more information, go to:

There are no coincidences!
Copyright 2010 by The Falbey Institute for the Development of Real Estate.

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